Basic textual analysis: Adobe - 'Take a fantastic voyage with photoshop'
How does media language combine to create meaning in this Adobe advert?
Advertising exists to sell the audience a life style
Media combines to emphasis themes of creativity, colour, fun.
Main subject is a a mixed race women dressed casually
Camera track her
Cartoon like
Low key artificial lighting
Major key chilled classic rock
Camera movement
long take
Speed ramps alternating camera movement speed
Audience positioned with women
Bell Hooks
Van zoomen
Many mid shots long shots
interiors and exteriors
Binary opposition
Proaretic code
- It is set in New York as this is a well known exciting place.
- Indicates it primarily tagets urban dwelling audience
- Tracking shots zoom into her face to emphasise that the audience is positioned with her
- One long take to show that it is continuous and you can do this all on adobe creative cloud
- Binary opposition of the low key lighting at the beginning and then all the colour that then follows
- Showing her imagination through the cartoon like drawings
- It is not actually showing what photoshop looks like and how to use it but what you can get out of it and the results you may get.
- speed ramps shows editing pace changes
- The floor of the subway train turns into grass
- Futuristic si fi genre
- name of the video - voyage
New York setting: connotations of excitement, and truly international city. Also an indication that the advert is primarily targeting urban audiences. Anchored through the MES of the subway train
Extreme long shot of the city in clouds establishes a dream like and wistful mode of address for the target audience. It utilises conventions of the sci-fi genre such as flying cars and a beautiful chrome city, reinforcing the ideology that photoshop can unlock the imagination of the target audience.
Genre hybridity allows the producers to use an element of repetiton and difference in order to appeal to a diverse range of audiences.
Low angle close up shot of a beutiful green grass forms a binary opposition with the grey, dull train. Binary opposition allows producers to reinforce certain ideologies through the use of contrast, and by contrasting the beautiful with the mundane, Adobe emphasise the excitement that photoshop has to offer.
Sci-fi iconography is beatmatched to the music, and its presence in emphasised by a chilled instrumental passage of music, once more reinforcing the contrast and diverse range of art styles that photoshop can deal with
Many intertextual references throughout the advert including Kief Haring, a new york artist, known for his brash pop art style. Intertextuality here allows the symbolic theme of creativity to be further emphasised. This clearly anchors the meaning to the audience: use photoshop and becomes the famous artist you want to be.
MES of the variety of mythical creates emphasis the ideology that photoshop can allow the target audience to present a range of creative styles.
The advert sells a false sense of reality, and the easily identity able message photoshop can bring the audiences imagination to life. However, photoshop is boring and ugly to look at, its clunky, and increasingly har to use. The purpose of any media product is to create revenue for the conglomerate which owns the product. The very high production values of this advert clearly indicates that Adobe is a huge multi national conglomerate.
Representation of gender, selection of a young mixed race women is a lear nod to equality and diversity. She is wearing masculine clothing and minimal make up, which is clearly an unconventional representation of women.
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