Humans lesson 4

What is Anita:

Synth, mother figure, maid, cook, prostitute

Maids normally gets paid, Anita doesn't - She's a slave 

Modonna/Whore complex
Mary from the bible is a virgin 

Sigmund Freud developed a theory to explain men's anxiety towards women's sexuality. Suggesting men define women into one of two categories: the madonna (women he admires and respects) and the whore (women he is attracted to and therefore disrespects) 

The only function of a media product is to be looked at by a heterosexual male audience. Patriarchal hegomony. 

Fetishism - overwelming obsession with a particular concept or object. 
Fetish - a small religious statue

Commodity Fetishism - Obsessed with a product. Not what it can do but what it represents. eg. nike shoe advert, its all about the nike tick logo, people want these shoes because its trendy and is a brand every knows not because they are a function and a necessary. 

Breakfast scene: 14.20

In what way are women and technology represented in this scene?
  • Anita cleans the table when she has already cleaned it, Laura gets agitated and tells her to stop
  • When Joe tells the Joke, Anita starts laughing but doesn't stop and it becomes weird and creepy so Laura has to tell her to stop
  • Sophie is excited 
  • Mattie is grumpy
  • Talks about the dishwasher - Anita is the new dishwasher in a way
  • Mattie says to Toby "oh, because we can't guess why you like her so much, crusty sheets"
  • This scene is unconventional to a normal sci-fi film, its a straightforward family breakfast. 
  • Although its not a very conventional breakfast as it is very hyper reality 
  • Mid shot of Joe and and Sophie's excitement 
  • "this is what breakfast is supposed to be like" - Joe
  • Cuts from Anita's face and the family's face a lot 
  • The family are wearing cosy pyjamas vs. Anita wearing maid type clothes
  • When Anita is standing by the table, the male gazes from Joe and Toby
  •  Bright natural lighting, breakfast table is full of colour and a large array of food you would not typically have every morning - hype reality 
  • Anita sits at the end of the table and is cast in slightly more shadow

Gender Performativity - Judith Butler 

Basic definition: Gender Performativity is how are performance of gender affects the world around is

- Identity is a performance , and it is contructed through a series of acts and 'expressions' that we perform every day.
- While there are biological differences dictated by sex, our gender is defined through the series of acts. These may include the ways we walk, talk, dress, and so on. 
- Therefore there is no gender identity behind these expressions of gender
- Gender performativity is not a signular act, but a repetition and a ritual. It is outlined and reinforced through dominant patriarchal ideologies.
- Gender performativity effects the world around us. shaping the world around us


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