Exam preparation 1 - DAC introductions

Introductory Paragraphs


To what extent is the regulation of the videogame industry effective? Make reference to the Assassin's Creed franchise

Regulation is the rules and guidelines an industry has to follow when making a media product. There are two main reasons for regulation; to protect intellectual property or copyright and to prevent harm. In the videogame industry regulation is largely ineffective this is primarily because of digital convergent technologies where regulations can now be by-passed through digital streaming services. PEGI is the Pan European Game Information system but this is only an advisory system rather than legal. This means shops don't have to follow this guidance, audiences have a choice about what they buy because normally there would be labels on the front with an age rating and warnings for drugs, sex, gambling, bad language etc... But the problem is these restrictions are not so much restriction but just warnings to the audience meaning anyone could still buy an over age game. In the game Assassins Creed Odyssey it has an age rating of an 18 due to the violent material used. this could cause potential harm and distress to anyone playing. But because of poor regulation, young more impressionable people can still get hold of this game very easily just by downloading it.


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