Riptide - Representation of woman

Screenshots - Symbolism and representation of women

Riptide is very different to other pop music videos, one of the main differences is it doesn't show the artist at all. This makes the video highly unconventional
How are women represented in this video?                                    
The woman are represented as being vulnerable as if they are in distress and pain which is shown through the first image and the image where she is tied up to the tree using rope. 
But they are also some shots where there are represented as more powerful individuals. For example this image below makes her look like a model with a glowing face.
Here the woman is being
represented in a sexualised way

 What is the symbolism of the mise en scene of the rope and the dental brace?
It shows how the woman is being trapped but she is escaping on her own. again it symbolises vulnerability but also symbolises strength. The mise-en-scene demontrastes the womans desperation of escaping the relationship and joining the 'dark side'

 In what ways are we positioned as an audience?
We are positioned to create our own interpritation of this music video as it subverts many music video conventions. 

 What links all the women in this video?

They are all represented in a sexual way but as the video goes on it creates a darker scene and imagery of fear and horror (for example the screenshot image of knife in hand). They could all be seen as all escaping from a relationship especially seen in the rope around the tree shot and then the woman running away.

 What message about women is constructed in this video, and what hegemonic expectations does this reinforce?

Theory's connected to the video

The main code seen in this video is an enigma code, creating mystery at the end and is left up to the audiences own interpretation.
Claude Levi strauss' theory of structuralism and binary opposition is also used through the use of mise-en-scene, there are bright colourful shots by the beach then dark mysterious shots.
The montage editing exaggerate this more as there is a wide range of contrasting shots which are juxtaposed or seen as binary opposites (often through hard jump cuts) 
mise-en-scene has also been considered within each frame, how every aspect is used as a symbol for an idea, this links to Roland Barths symbolic codes.

Another binary opposition is here when the lady on screen is singing and the lyrics wrote on the screen are different to what is being said - Irony 


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