
What is regulation?
The rules and legal guidelines an industry has to follow when making media products.

What regulations do you follow everyday?
Following the law

What are some examples of regulatory frameworks for media products?
The PPC stands for the Press Complaints Commission and it was a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers. The PCC closed in 2014 and was replaced by ISPO, chaired by Sir Alan Moses.

IPSO is The Independant Press Standards Organisation. They are the regulator of most of the UK's Newspapers and magazines. The editors follow a framework and a code of practice.

Do we need regulation?
yes, because it is important that anyone can complain about something they see in the press. If they don't agree, there voice can be heard and ISPO have a duty to listen. They hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to mainstain freedom of expression for the press.

What are some of the issues with regulation in the 21st centary?
It is difficult to enforce regulation in the digital age.
The poerful media companies are difficult to regulate

This is what Sonia Livingstone and Peter Hunt found in their Theory of Regulation.

How might the concept of conglomeration affect regulation of newspapers (and other media products)?


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