Magazine - set text

Set Text - 'Woman' - Front page

Weekending August 29th 1964
JFK assasination
'swing sixties', 'make do and mend 50s', 'spend rather than save', - Care free
"Shop and Spend" - James Curren
Sexual Revelation, female liberation, contraceptive pill

The Woman Magazine front cover 1964 - Set text

It says at the very top "worlds greatest weekly for woman" This sounds aspirational and when woman read it they probably feel empowered.
How to be a good woman is all answered in here.
Its demographic is aimed at working - middle class aged between 25 - 50.
It's a magazine about how woman can improve their lives and this is anchored by the phrase 'seven star improvements'
Lexis of the pull quote is creating an enigma code

The woman is smiling (white teeth) eybrows raised slightly, direct address, she looks young. - 'Perfect' look
photo is taken at an angle but is in focus and quite close up.

Comparison to the modern day 'Woman' magazine 

The Layout and design are very different from 1964 to the latest modern day front cover. The one below has a lot more going on, there are stories all over the page and there is more than one image. They both have 1 central main image but in the modern one there are more photos of other people around in boxes. They are all of celebrity's as well rather than just a usual woman on the other cover. The representation of woman has changed over time as we can see from the photos they wear different clothes but apart from that they both look smiley and care about the way they are looking.


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