Woman represented in the media

Woman Represented in the Media:

Sexulisation:                                                         Objectification:
To make something, be it                                    To present somebody or something
person or object exhibit sexual                            as inanimate or unfeeling                              

To define somebody purely by                            To define somebody purely by their
their perceived physical                                       use or function 

This Article -states that Prince Andrew 'had sex with her when she was 17' and that he is a 'trafficked sex slave of epstein'
This shows ideology due to the fact that even though people who are seen as superior to the country are doing wrong and treating young girls like objects.

This article shows a photograph of Rihanna dressed in a 'mint dress by Fenty' for the British Fashion Awards in london. This shows that woman have to look perfect for a photograph and if they don't look 'good' then they shouldn't be photographed.


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