The Times Paper - Set text

The Times

The Times newspaper is a British national 'quality' newspaper first published in 1785

Who is Rupert Murdoch:

Rupert Murdoch was born on March 11, 1931, in Melbourne, Australia. He is the funder and head of News corporation, a global media conglomerate. He created Fox Broadcasting Company in 1986.
His father was a famous war correspondent and newspaper publisher. Murdoch inherited his father's papers, 'The Sunday mail' and 'The News'  and continued to perchase other media outlets over the years.

Point of View and Ideology 

The Times is known for having a range of journalists with varied political viewpoints which allows the newspaper to offer a more neutral political point of view on the Brexit negotiations.

Layout and Design: 

There is a large photo of Theresa May in the centre of the front page. The image is anchored by the headline 'Driven to Despair'. He facial expression also shows she is in despair and is not happy. 
This Brexit story is the main article and is filling up most of the page with a lot of text around it. 

The image itself is a photo of her in a car. It is quite grainy suggesting that it was taken from far away and has been zoomed in. 

There are other story's featuring on this front page but they are much smaller and not seen as important as they only have a small amount of text at the bottom of the page.


The headline alliteration 'Driven to Despair' is a catchy phrase and grabs the audience's attention. It is written in a big font the same size as 'The Times' (newspaper name). In small text just above the times logo it says ' Britain's most trusted national newspaper'. This could be controversial as not everyone will believe everything the paper says but compared to a tabloid newspaper it does seem to be one of the more formative papers.


Apart from the coloured photo which even this is quite dark and grey, there is not much else that is eye catching in colour. 
The photo of Theresa May was taken without her knowing so it is not a very attractive photo of her, she has no make up and is wearing pretty normal clothes whereas if this photo had been taken during a formal conference of meeting she would be looking different.
The small text written in columns connotates formalness.  


The article could be interpreted as a proairetic code, the action of Theresa May driving the country towards a car crash situation could be seen as an action caused by her inability to secure a brexit deal.

Referential codes/intertexuality:


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