UTOPIA - Genre Analysis
UTOPIA Genre Analysis
Utopia is a Dystopian Horror, dystopian meaning a world where things are not normal and seem unsettling. it is translated as ' a bad place'. There are many generic paradigmatic and iconography features that help construct this advert, for example:
Utopia is a Dystopian Horror, dystopian meaning a world where things are not normal and seem unsettling. it is translated as ' a bad place'. There are many generic paradigmatic and iconography features that help construct this advert, for example:
- Something safe to us normally is unsettling in this film
- Government control
- Doomday event - comic stories
- contrast between perfect and run down areas
- Dead old tree with crows
- comic drawings - creepy, eerie, anatomical drawing, flesh tones, mysterious
- psychological thriller
- half moon at night
This film both converts and subverts to the typical Dystopian Horror and drama film. The producers do this to create enough repetition but also have some difference to keep the viewers happy. This is a theory discovered by Steve Neale who talks about the function of genre. Here we can see that the film Utopia is subverting to the horror style through the use of the music and sound. the music is much more upbeat and unusual to what we would expect for a horror. there are still moments where we hear the music build up and this creates tension like a typical horror but in general the music is a little more mysterious and odd rather than deep and scary.
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