Lint chocolate advert analysis

Lint Chocolate Advert

The Lindor Chocolate is represented as a luxurious brand in this advert.

The Technical elements they have used to construct this representation are:
  • The facial expressions and body language of the model shows she is satisfied and 'in love' with the chocolate. 
  • They also use a close up camera shot of her face as she indulges the chocolate to show how much she is enjoying it and it makes the audience want to try this for themselves. 
  • The soft tone that the woman in the voice over uses and the calm music also conveys a sense of luxury.
  • There is also Lexis used in this advert to further create this brand as being a luxurious. for example the words, 'melt' 'smooth' 'flowing' luxurious' 'passion' 'irresistible' 
  • they have also used another technique of direct address to draw the audience in. For example the phrases 'Do you dream chocolate?' Like nothing you've ever experienced' these both directly address the audience useing the words you and you've. And also the use of rhetorical question immediately grabs the audiences attention right at the beginning of the advert.

The Ideology of this advert is about woman and chocolate and how this is pleasurable to them. They had made this advert very sexual and shown a patriarchal contrast between the 'lint master chocolatier' and the stereotypical beautiful slender woman as the model.


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